It must have been about 20 years ago when I first began thinking about creating a "Cultural Salon" as a reaction to the mundane social circles In Washington D.C. The richness of intellectual and artistic interchange had died, college friends had moved, the internet had not yet become the phenomenon it now is... I romanticised about the Salons of the mid to late 1800's in Paris, London and Berlin and the cultural dynamo of the Harlem Rennaisance. I was fortunate enough to meet a gentleman, an artist who lived and traveled with James Baldwin... Jimmy he affectionately called him, and he spoke often of their small cottage in southern France and of the many Artists, Poets and Luminaries that dropped in to chat and relax. Well, the impressionists, cubists, modernists, etc. all hung out together famously in those days and shared their ideas with one another creating a creative greenhouse in a world that was rapidly changing. I longed to have lived in those times, to have met Cassat, Rodin, Ellington, Fitzgerald, Baker, Balwin, well I did finally meet Baldwin and others purely for the joy of intellection upon the arts. This was in the late 1980's and by the mid 2000's I happened to run into a friend of mine from Hampton University who had been living in New York since he graduated in the early 90s. Well, I was surprised to hear him comment that in all of the wonder that is New York he never met anyone who ever really had anything interesting to say about art, literature, architecture, science, fashion or anything... I was so surprised to hear this since it had also been my experience. Well here I am in 2011 attempting the Virtual Salon...

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Mark Dean Invented the 1 Gigahertz Chip patented for IBM

America’s ability to ride the economic tides of the twenty-first century are largely dependent on our ability to create new products that generate an international demand.  By products I do not just mean record sales or the next great American novel, I mean new technology!  Right now there are several wide open markets just waiting for new innovative products to be designed, patented, marketed and distributed across the globe, one of them is the new realm of green products another is innovative means of generating energy. 

George Crum Invented the Potato Chip in 1853

But in order for someone to be able to brainstorm and market a new technology they would have to have several skill sets under their belt and a large amount of capital as well as lots of free time to research, experiment and refine their concept design.  Another unavoidable dynamic of this scenario is that they will have to team up with other people with specialized technical expertise in order to pull the dream off.  Pulling together a unified team is one thing but maintaining quality control and focus is another, nevertheless these are challenges that other inventors have successfully overcome for many thousands of years of human history.  Pulling it off is not only highly, “Doable” but it is also highly desirable in order to gain some measure of economic and occupational freedom in a world that is still largely driven by megabusinesses.

Jan Ernst Maltzaliger Invented the Shoe Lasting Machine in  1882

The best teams might be formed by persons who are already working full time jobs but are able to devote a certain predetermined hours of work daily as part of a working product development plan.  Breaking these tasks up into smaller teams of two or more would even ensure a greater level of productivity.  I envisage these design teams as “Think Tanks” initially organised to develop research teams which focus on diverse and perhaps unrelated areas identified as potentially untapped or substantially open markets for innovation.  Eventually the teams would either produce substantive data leading to the exploration of a product design or digress to other areas driven by their research.  All information would be valuable and perhaps might end up leading to some unforeseen breakthrough further down the line.  The purpose of the teams is to prove that two, three, four or more heads are always better than one. 

In 1912 Garrett Morgan Invented and patented a  Gas Mask

Technology is what ultimately drives civilisation, it creates culture and the lack of technological advances stagnates and eventually kills human civilisation. 

Garrett Morgan

Creating new and innovative technologies should be on the front burner of all American businesses.  Due to the evolution of American culture one individual may no longer have sufficient time, money and resources to conceptualize, research, experiment, develop and market a new product alone so a team of like-minded persons working as a think tank is the next best alternative.

Elijiah McCoy

 Those who make the quantum leap to experiment with this method of product development might find themselves on the cusp of one of the greatest innovations of the twenty-first century, they might though hard work and cooperation find one day that something they imagined has come to fruition and has a new patent pending.

In 1872 Elijiah McCoy invented the Self-Dripping  Oil Cup for  Trains,  hence the origin
of the saying "The Real McCoy".

Written by David Vollin

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