It must have been about 20 years ago when I first began thinking about creating a "Cultural Salon" as a reaction to the mundane social circles In Washington D.C. The richness of intellectual and artistic interchange had died, college friends had moved, the internet had not yet become the phenomenon it now is... I romanticised about the Salons of the mid to late 1800's in Paris, London and Berlin and the cultural dynamo of the Harlem Rennaisance. I was fortunate enough to meet a gentleman, an artist who lived and traveled with James Baldwin... Jimmy he affectionately called him, and he spoke often of their small cottage in southern France and of the many Artists, Poets and Luminaries that dropped in to chat and relax. Well, the impressionists, cubists, modernists, etc. all hung out together famously in those days and shared their ideas with one another creating a creative greenhouse in a world that was rapidly changing. I longed to have lived in those times, to have met Cassat, Rodin, Ellington, Fitzgerald, Baker, Balwin, well I did finally meet Baldwin and others purely for the joy of intellection upon the arts. This was in the late 1980's and by the mid 2000's I happened to run into a friend of mine from Hampton University who had been living in New York since he graduated in the early 90s. Well, I was surprised to hear him comment that in all of the wonder that is New York he never met anyone who ever really had anything interesting to say about art, literature, architecture, science, fashion or anything... I was so surprised to hear this since it had also been my experience. Well here I am in 2011 attempting the Virtual Salon...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


This is an excerpt from a response to a distinguished colleague concerning a virtual debate about the nature of the request for President Obama's credentials beyond those which were deemed necessary for him to become a member of congress and to hold the highest office in the United States of America. 

A school book used in Public Schools Authored by Booker T. Washington


To one of my most distinguished members,


Please allow me to attempt to clarify the issue of the request for President Obama's birth certificate and credentials as I see it, therefore, in my opinion.  This issue has been one of heated and fascinating intellectual debate among several members of “For The Brothas: A Virtual, Cultural, Intellectual Salon” and yourself.  As the Administrator of the group I have largely remained silent encouraging your l debate but so interesting were many of its fine points I was inspired to compose a separate response of my own, one which I hope will answer your valid questions.  First let me say that it is American to question everything and so I support your curiosity about Obamas past, for he is truly a great man of whom I feel Americans know precious little.  However, the dearth of popular knowledge about this great mans past does not lead me to conclude that he has something to hide, on the contrary, there is nothing about his character that shows anything except a man who is wise and contemplative, an quality much overdue in the white house.  The past two presidencies have been riddled with scandals and unrest.  The president who preceded Obama was accused of drug abuse and his cabinet of insider collusion and a host of other ethical crimes, none of which were ever seriously pursued.  Does this absolve Obama or any other president of scrutiny?  No it does not.  But we must carefully weigh the value of all claims of impropriety ere we charge a man of any wrongdoing, after all we are a country that prides itself in having invented the concept of "Due Process".  Who he was may not be so important now as who he is today and what he represents.  In a country on the verge of economic failure I am more interested in the policies and philosophy of Obama now than where he went to high school and what he wore to the prom or if he may have ever had a brush with the law.  Remember that in the 1950’s through 1970’s many freedom fighters were willingly arrested as humanitarian acts of civil disobedience… I am not saying that Obama was one of them but I am saying that we must look much closer to a man’s record to see the nature of the crime in order to determine if one had been committed. But I digress…

Out of the previous 54 American Presidents Obama, president number 56 is the first in over 200 years to have his credentials as an American Citizen openly questioned!  Ironically, he is the very first Black American to hold the hallowed office as Commander In Chief!  If this were a real issue for such a high profile job then it should have been addressed before he was sworn in.  Bi-Partisan differences have summoned heated controversy and rivalries over many different issues throughout the existence of the Presidency itself but never before has such a serious claim been made against a president.  The issue is not so much that he has something to hide, rather it is that if this is going to be adopted as criterion for all presidents of the future then let it be set into law that all Presidential candidates must make specific aspects of their personal history available as public record. 


So you see this is more of a legal issue than anything else.  Obama, as an American citizen is entitled to his privacy  and likewise he is not required to provide any data that was not agreed upon as terms of his office save by personal choice.  Should the practice of providing a clear disclosure of specific personal data including proof of birth, criminal background, and even more personal data like known associates and affiliations as sort of public dossier become ratified as law then not only Obama but all future presidents will have to abide by it.  Again the question is, in the words of a famous American folk tune, "If it's good enough for Lincoln, it's good enough for me"!  And I do not remember anyone ever asking about Lincolns credentials when he took the oath of office even in the midst of Civil unrest his "Americanness" was never questioned though his particular brand of it was bitterly fought against and defended with hundreds of thousands of lives...


In America, unfortunately we must always be sure that we are not blind-sighted to racism, for it has been so intimately woven into the fabric of this nation.  Many of our past presidents came from families that had recently immigrated to America but their record of public service and citizenship was proof enough that they were indeed Americans.  Do you realize that during reconstruction black voters were kept from voting when a law was passed stating that if your grandfather could have voted they you could vote?  This is where the term “Grandfathered” comes from.  It was an outrage and it instantly eliminated millions of blacks from voting for the next 80 or so years because their grandfathers were slaves and they had no vital records to prove otherwise!


Be careful of what you feed into,  understand the dynamics, the double standards so evident in a system that is far from perfection.  If America is legendary for anything it would be its long, bloody, violent history of racism and unfortunately all of the breakthroughs of the Civil Rights Era cannot erase in 50 years what has been festering as a staple of American “Matter-Of-Right” policy for the past 400 years…  This, my son, takes time… But more so it takes vigilance!  The pendulum of freedom can turn against you at any moment! It is poised to do so! Every gain that you make must be fought for with blood sweat and tears… I was inspired with such emotion when I read a passage on the new WWII memorial stating, "Freedom Is Not Free"!

You have been fortunate enough to have lived to witness one of the truly rare, groundbreaking events of all human history with the presidency of Barak Obama.  Had you been living 60 years earlier there is a high likelihood  you would have been answering, “Yez’um Massuh” in some menial occupation under the yoke of Jim Crow.  Had you been born 160 years ago you would be rotting at the stinging tip of the bullwhip of your slavemaster’s iron will to keep you oppressed as mere chattel in a free slave labor economic machine.  How very much you have to be thankful for, and virtually all of it done through the labor of others... you it's beneficiary...


Too long have I digressed to explain the cancer of racism, you know what racism is and if you do not then open your eyes brother for surely this issue was quelled from the dark recesses of that abominable beast!  Racism…It is a thing I have no personal use for, I am bigger than racism… I love all men as equal but as a black man in America I must always be conscious of it’s presence…

From the 1800's until the 1960's white minstres in "Black Face" performed as comic buffoons with affected black dialects and nannerisms they imagined to be typical of Black Americans. 
 But racism is all around us... and the black man has historically been the butt of Americas frustration and the personification of its humor...   As a race we have been hated and ridiculed, kept ignorant and poor.  Those times are quickly changing but we must be sure to galvanize ourselves around causes that will move history forward and not allow us to slip back into the racist mire of the not so distant past...

In conclusion I say to let the law of the land declare to Obama if he must produce evidence of his birth and of his life’s history, otherwise he is doing only as each of the 56 presidents before him has done… Obama has been nominated to represent the Democratic party in the race for the  57th President of The United States, the country is galvanized to support him on his historic journey.  Let the law of the land dictate to the president what credentials he must set forth for public consumption.  If you have a problem with the law then take action to change it!   Be a man of action! But whatever you do have a mind and ear for history, for therein are your questions best answered….

Many Black Americans died never owning their lives, their undocumented history lost to the ages...


David Vollin

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



I let my laughter kick

through rusting leaves

and each one

that fell

opened up the

o’er grown summer canopy

till all there was, was sky…

my spirit

sensing it’s escape rose

far beyond

the limbs

creaking in the wind

of this ancient wood

to kiss the widening firmament

revealed as each leaf

sank to the soil…

i loved the waning beauty

captured in the passing moments

of this time

though the noble

evanescing culture of

this transitional realm

cost my senses

many cherished climes

so I resigned, bereft of everything

to test the very gravity of loss

defining its cost

the grander of two

an exquisitely repaid revenue

hid in the woods

and the secret places of the wild

at springs end…


By David Vollin…

Monday, October 22, 2012


President Obama wore a blue foulard at tonights 10-22-12 debate.


President Obama has never been so lucid and caustic to the Romney presidential campaign than he was tonight.  It was almost as if Romney and Obama had agreed beforehand that they were going to completely embarrass the character and intelligence of Romney in an all-out effort to make a decisive blow to all republican hopes of a presidential tomorrow… One of the classic hallmarks of Romney’s lack of knowledge and Obamas unforeseen tenacity and wit was when Romney created a fancifully anachronistic metaphor referencing antique battle ships and aircraft only to be reminded that new technological advances have largely rendered these traditional twentieth-century weapons obsolete.  I happened to be dining at Hill Country, a large Texas Barbecue Restaurant full of people all focused not on the luscious authentic southwestern styled barbecue and side dishes that have won them fame in the first year of their existence within a bow shot of the capitol building but on the enormous flat screen television broadcasting the debate… The volume was turned way up so the noisy banter of the large dining  room would not drown out the fine points of the debate, we all watched while Romney was literally flogged on international television.  The crowd of people actually clapped at the end of Obamas closing speech but remained silent at Romney’s close.  Consistent with Obamas claims that the policies of the Republican Party are out dated and obsolete, tonight’s debate culminated with Obama likening it to bayonets and horses, weapons of the distant past.  Obama mentioned several times that While America clearly has a responsibility to world politics it must begin to focus more on domestic issues.  Obama zoomed into the American family and workplace, for those few minutes he was our close friend, our coworker, our President Elect 2013…  Tonight I liked the nature of my president, he was strong, confident, witty and decisive.  Romney really was all over the place never truly able to focus on any one thing... he was lost... So once again I have taken sides with our august president Obama... and to Romney I have only to say with disgust... "Bayonnettes and Horses indeed"!


Written by David Vollin

Saturday, October 20, 2012



History has challenged men at various times to fight for a social and political cause or sit it out allowing others to take up the torch of freedom!  Take yourself back to the Deep South during The Civil Rights Era and imagine the precarious threat many of black Americans faced having to defend their right to exist as free men on one hand and having to deal with the hatred and ignorance of the clan and its sophisticated, and oppressive network of white supremacists on the other.  It must have been the equivalent of a living nightmare but one that had by then stretched over hundreds of years.  Not one black family would have escaped the experience of the lynching of a loved one… or the threat of one at literally any time or place…  It was truly a living hell…


The goal of oppression is to use a man’s fear of retaliation in order to render the oppressed impotent and ignorant; docility is the result of a cultural brain-wash, a Pavlovian crack, an operant conditioning standard administered by all successful oppressors to the oppressed. Black Americans living in the rural and urban south during The Civil Rights Era had every reason to fear they would be victims of focused violence if it became known by white racists that they were assembling for the purpose of organizing against racism but they understood that the alternative was even worse… at least some of them did… At a time when a black man could be hunted down for sport, hung in a tree, mutilated, violated and left as a warning for others who could blame anyone of color from shrinking away from the road of civil disobedience?  Even white freedom fighters were not immune to lynching by zealous racists.  It was a dangerous world of uncertain outcomes but clearly a world on the cusp of political change…


The twenty-first century is not without its unique socio-political challenges and they are no less urgent then those faced by black Americans nearly seventy years ago in the rural south of these United States.  Every time a group of oppressed people are forced to fight for political change they will face certain inherent risks to themselves.  Depending upon how progressive the region they live in is these risks could be drastically different but this difference is always directly proportional to the amount of resistance that has been applied to that region in order to gradually push it forward.  This means that in some regions, while there may be a significant proportion of the population that is sympathetic to change, conditions have not improved because the status quo has not been effectively challenged. 


There is a difference between a dam that is sound and a dam that is about to break…  The sound dam has not met any formidable resistance, it is strong because it has been designed to be so and can still resist the forces it was designed to resist.  The dam that is about to break has been challenged with a series of small but well-planned forces applied over a period of time.  Each time force is applied it is stronger and better focused on its task.  The dam expects renewed resistance but braces itself and even fortifies itself to deal with new assaults but everyone knows that eventually the external agitating forces will exceed the dam’s ability to resist and then the dam will break…

When men are thirsty and they cannot drink because the waters are dammed they only have two choices; to die of thirst or to take down the dam.  Every time men are challenged with this classic dilemma they must galvanize themselves organizing a formidable opposition to the change they seek in order to experience and enjoy the fruits of change.  They might endure oppression and let others fight the good fight in other places and hope that eventually that change may spread to include them.  But sometimes when change is gifted and not fought for the beneficiaries fail to comprehend the value of that change having marginally subsisted during its slow transition.  Knowing that one can survive without change and understanding ones duty to take action to effect positive change and to continually protect the attributes of change are qualities which are so individually linked to a man’s constitution. 



The sense of civic duty, of responsibility for things outside of one’s self, the instinct that drives men to assume responsible stewardship of their world, to take up important challenges and follow them through, all of these human qualities are inherent in every man but for reasons that literally shape and define the world in which we live these qualities are not equally manifested in all men.  For some men it is only a matter of maturity that will define the instant of revelation.  For some men who have a stronger instinct of selfishness, their internally focused activism for self-preservation will always prevent them from joining the ranks of progressive men.  For this reason alone change is never an instantaneous thing.  Because change is such a forgiving thing men who would not join the front lines of a cause, who shrunk from activism, who remained silent or even criticized and doubted the movement for change are free to enjoy its benefits once change has encompassed them having been fought for and won.  The men who fight for and accomplish change will never be so shallow as to bar any man from enjoying its bounty.  But until change is won those who fight must recognize friend from foe for as surly as many great victories have been won through brotherhood, many defeats are owed to disunity, lack of focus and to the debilitating blow of a bitter betrayal…  The landscape is often treacherous though precious when on the cusp of political change…




Written by D. Vollin…


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Although cooking is relegated to women in many cultures around the world, in Western Culture the culinary arts have always been dominated by men.  In these times gentleman who possess the quality of a refined palette have the most exquisite cooking technology and foods available to them.  Given enough time to pull all the resources together for an amazing meal, gentlemen living in the rant and rush of twenty-first century urbanity can find solace exploring their culinary manifest destiny!


On those momentous occasions when I have been invited into the homes of gentlemen who cook I am ever and anon reminded of the immense talent for cooking, presentation and hospitality that we men possess but so seldom share with  our brothers.  Over the years many have commented that the art of fine dining and entertainment have died, that the genre of which we are so gastronomically deficient, “The Dinner Party” is an all but forgotten art…


Well gentlemen… though I must admit that there are far too few fabulous dinner parties being given these days I will add that what these venues may lack in frequency they more than compensate as an overall social and culinary experience; for we all agree that great food and interesting company make for divine conversation…  Even if reduced to mere grunts and groans, belches and gulps… when a man enjoys the food set before him he will have something to say…


As we men enter our forties, fifties and up having more leisure time to explore our culinary interests and expand our skills I do encourage us to devote greater attention to the fine art of, “The Dinner Party” as a happy alternative to the clubs and other public venues that might capture our lust for wholesome entertainment… So this article was written to encourage greater proficiency in the art of “The Dinner Party” achieved only through experimentation… I must admit a selfish agenda submerged therein for I shall be expecting many new invitations to be forthcoming… But without question this article was devised to pay homage to the fine and impeccable art of gentlemen who cook…



Written by D. Vollin

For The Brothas Administrator



Friday, October 12, 2012


I originally wrote portions of this piece in response to a post that captured my interest on a social network site called FaceBook... Subsequently I have greatly expanded the tone and content to explore a great deal more than just that original inquiry: "Can two tops or bottoms make it in a relationship".   In all actuality the question and answer are applicable to all types of relationships within the human experience where  two dominant sets of charactaristics and/or personality profiles find themselves coupled-up. 

Immediately, the issue of whether one partner was a top or bottom ceased to have any relevance... Furthermore, the broad range of interpretation concerning what exactly a top or bottom is be it within a heterosexual or homosexual relationship relegates the entire excercise of attempting to define the seemingly undefineable an excercise in futility!  In this I may be guilty of simplifying but I would rather go on record as excluding the details in an attempt to pay humble homage to the utter complexity of diversity!  Nonetheless, since I did undertake this task I will herein attempt to explicate the question/answer to the best of my ability this time without any drawn out glossary of terms even though I might add that a glossary is precisely what is needed in such an example as this.  I will rely therefore on the personal knowledge of the reader to extrapolate the meanings of the terms; "Top and Bottom" with the most minimal of attempts at a glossary then.

Within the realm of human interaction both sexual and nonsexual, lets say social... there is an incontrovertible element of dominance and submission required in order to forge through the difficult business of human socialization.  Historically the more dominant persona has been called the Top and the one assuming or believed to have assumed a more submissive role is called the Bottom.  The most common example is that between a husband and wife where the male assumes the dominant role and the female the submissive.  Of course the sexual revolution has completely revised this historic and now obsolete social structure of the past few hundred thousand millinea.  What is left appears to be a mere fantasy, an idealized, ritualized game of role playing in a society that, (due to genetic engineering), no longer even requre any kind of sexual intercourse in order to reproduce.  In the 21st century spem and egg can be artificially reproduced, fertilized and incubated... leaving the traditional roles of sexual dominance and submission, top and bottom, to mere bedroom games...  Women do not go to work in the A.M. as powerful C.E.O.'s of Global Corporations only to go home to assume a submissive role to some man or woman unless they do so by choice.  Only 50 years ago the roles of top and bottom were enforced by society and its laws... you've come a long way baby! 

Over the years I have discovered that many, not all, male Bottoms have a complete misunderstanding of the very object of their desire… male Tops!  There is no stereotype for Bottoms… they come in all shapes and sizes and vary from the more female-identified to the more male-identified varieties and the same holds true for their alter ego, the Tops. 

Furthermore, there is an even wider range of interpretation about what specifically constitutes a Top or a Bottom.  Neither of these arguments are ones that I am ready to enter now or at any other time because if find that human nature is so diverse that it is impossible and even criminal to generalize or seek to label something that clearly has so many permutations…

For my part I have almost exclusively been in relationships with other Tops with a couple of exceptions… I am fairly certain that many Bottoms cannot or will not comprehend what two Tops could or would do together because they may not have a well-developed understanding  of what really constitutes a Top in the first place… A mere sophomoric understanding based on the heterosexual male-dominant/female-submissive model is insufficient or more appropriately, impotent when dealing with the issue of two Tops; the textbook must be rewritten on this one gentleman…  But it is not my intent to do it here…

My advice to Tops and Bottoms is not to place too much value in what is geneally referred to as “Pussy Power” because there are far more complex and invisible dynamics that ultimately formulate the equation of human attraction.  Nothing, my friend is ever completely absolute!  Outside of a purely sexual relationship sex including sexual roles plays a significantly reduced importance in the total hierarchy of things although it’s importance can never be disregarded as insignificant in that equation; it is significant.  The key is to identify, understand and grow those intangible elements that always take precedence over sex as a relationship matures.  Relationships mirror life, when they are young they are obsessed with surface matters but as they mature they permeate the very soul, leaving the surface behind…

So my answer to the question is definitely, YES!  It is fully possible for two tops or two bottoms to form a successful relationship!  There are no hard and fast rules to dating or sexing or relationships of any kind that I have been apprised of in these 50 years that I have experienced life; to the contrary for every rule that humans try to make there are always many, many fully viable exceptions.  Many people are more comfortable viewing the world from a polarized perspective because it is easier to manage mentally.  But while dwelling on over simplified world views may satisfy ones need simplify life in general it ultimately pushes one into a dark and narrow cave that is utterly ignorant of life as it is truly lived… Again, if one is satisfied living in a cave of their own design, shared by others who will not challenge themselves to think deeper it is surely not my place to tell them they are wrong.  Life, as we all know, is all about choice and consequence… The consequence of narrowness is ignorance and the consequence of openness is wisdom… and wisdom is a book of infinite possibilities!  When I was a classroom teacher I would always write this at the top of the chalk-board in bold letters:  “EXPLORE ALL POSSIBILITIES… 1, 2, 3, INFINITY…”  During the ten or so years I taught not one student ever asked me about the origin of my declamation.  I like to think that was because the truth therein was so self-explanatory, so obvious and so compelling that everyone just got it!  This leaves me to wonder if every teacher had done the same would this question have ever come up at all? 

Gentlemen… as much as we desire to tone life down we ultimately find that it won’t be easily subdued, life is complex by its very nature and so is every other phenomenon that exists and the deeper we explore the infinite facets of life to more this truth is evinced.  True, the everyday man what with work, family, finances and a host of other distractions may not have time to engage such detailed and time consuming and thought provoking analysis of life… that is why we have philosophers.  Song writers, poets, novelists, artists of figure, dance and performance are all philosophers of sorts conveying the complex thoughts of themselves or of others in ways that can be easily absorbed… making them appear to be simple… But they are not!  They are often the fruit of many years of life experience, contemplation, analysis and frustration… the common stuff of life.

I cannot say if there is any moral to this story save that people who close themselves to the many marvelous possibilities of this life may doom themselves to be forever trapped in a life of ignorance and disappointment administered by their own hands…

If there is any message central to this story it is to remain open and continually grow in your understanding of the human condition or to remain tolerant of that which you cannot or will not understand.  This means that you must also understand fully what tolerance means… Remember to always cherish and support “Other” it may be that in the eyes of some you represent “Other”…  at the end of the day it is not so important that you understand or even agree with “Other” so long as you recognize and defend its reason to exist!


 By D. Vollin

Friday, October 5, 2012


Portrait of Christopher Columbus

We Americans are the survivors and beneficiaries of one of the greatest heists and one of the greatest gangsters in all history… 520 years ago wheels were set in motion that would ultimately change the world.  The huge fact that irreversibly catastrophic global change came about due to the stupidity of a man called Columbus carries such irony with it. 
Tomb or Reliquary of Christopher Columbus in Seville Spain
In all fairness the evaluation of whether this global tsunami was toxic or tonic depends on your palette after sampling a broad selection of racial, sexual and socioeconomic entrees either fried, grilled, sautéed, baked, marinated, boiled rubbed or served raw and cold…

The African Slave Trade

What exactly was stolen from humanity in 1492 that could have had such a pejorative impact on global culture to this very day?  The answer lay in the millions of faces and lives beginning, peaking and ending behind them on all 7 continents of this sphere we call earth.  The truth lay buried beneath 520 years of human struggle from the Alaska to the tip of Argentina; the truth of two Americas has been buried beneath five centuries of lies. 
The demise of Pre-Columbian Cultures in South America by the Conquistadors began when Spaniards betrayed them with false alliances.
The culture and legacy of countless and nameless peoples has been systematically stolen, hidden and lost in one of the bloodiest human dramas in all history beginning with a singular event, The Great Heist of 1492.
Massacre at Wounded Knee

The legacy of Christopher Columbus includes Genocide, Sexual, Political and Intellectual persecution, Slavery, Economic extortion and exploitation among other horrors.  The continents of The Americas including The Atlantic and Caribbean should be o’er flowed with the blood of innocent men and women who died defending their right merely to exist free in the world.
Native American Tribes were betrayed by American Treaties and forced to leave ancestral lands they had inhabited for millinea to subsist on paltry reservations
Because we have been reminded of these atrocities to humanity so many times we have grown immune to them but we should never be good with them.  At the end of the day the voyage of Christopher Columbus was a failed journey.  His theory was wrong, his navigation poor, he never found the West Indies and what he did find was a world that was familiar to the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Persians the new world would have been spared despoilment for a few hundred years. 

The Conquistadors frought genocide on Pre-Columbian Cultures

I will never celebrate or acknowledge Columbus Day or Thanksgiving, for to me they are reserved as days of contemplative mourning.  Mourning for a world that might have been, for a magnificent world of ancient wonders that has been lost.  I have stripped away the very name, Columbus Day having replaced it with the Lububrious title, “THE HEIST OF 1492”!

Native Americans in traditional apparel
Native Amerian Chief


Written by D. Vollin