It must have been about 20 years ago when I first began thinking about creating a "Cultural Salon" as a reaction to the mundane social circles In Washington D.C. The richness of intellectual and artistic interchange had died, college friends had moved, the internet had not yet become the phenomenon it now is... I romanticised about the Salons of the mid to late 1800's in Paris, London and Berlin and the cultural dynamo of the Harlem Rennaisance. I was fortunate enough to meet a gentleman, an artist who lived and traveled with James Baldwin... Jimmy he affectionately called him, and he spoke often of their small cottage in southern France and of the many Artists, Poets and Luminaries that dropped in to chat and relax. Well, the impressionists, cubists, modernists, etc. all hung out together famously in those days and shared their ideas with one another creating a creative greenhouse in a world that was rapidly changing. I longed to have lived in those times, to have met Cassat, Rodin, Ellington, Fitzgerald, Baker, Balwin, well I did finally meet Baldwin and others purely for the joy of intellection upon the arts. This was in the late 1980's and by the mid 2000's I happened to run into a friend of mine from Hampton University who had been living in New York since he graduated in the early 90s. Well, I was surprised to hear him comment that in all of the wonder that is New York he never met anyone who ever really had anything interesting to say about art, literature, architecture, science, fashion or anything... I was so surprised to hear this since it had also been my experience. Well here I am in 2011 attempting the Virtual Salon...

Sunday, April 22, 2012


During Reconstruction Black Officials Including  Members of Congress Were  Elected.

Many Americans have intense emotions regarding the political confederate movement which occurred during the mid-nineteenth century of American history.  The American Civil War was a terrible but inevitable debacle in which moral and economic values representing thousands of years of human history were finally brought to bear.  When the dust of battle settled the ancient tradition of human slavery as a as a socioeconomic and political system had come to an end and the radical Democratic government, also the first of its kind to gain power in thousands of years, had been restored as a global beacon of freedom.  To some the confederates were lawless rebels who launched a criminal and traitorous assault upon the United States of America.  To others the confederate movement was a revolution against the tyranny of the American government which they perceived as strangling their socioeconomic and political manifest destiny to own human beings as slaves exerting their unquestionable will over them as their divinely appointed genetic superiors.  Whether your sentiments lie with the Confederate Movement and its failed movement to secede from the Union or with The United States Government which sought to sustain the still young and evolving democratic experiment called America you will agree that this episode in American History was being carefully watched by the world as the first great test of the revolutionary, egalitarian ideas of the Enlightenment.   The enlightenment rose to prominence in Europe as an alternative to the ancient order of rule by divine right.  The framers of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were keenly aware of the ideals of the enlightenment and understood that they were soon about to transform the western world as Paris, London and many other European cities had become hotbeds for egalitarian revolution.  The ideals of the enlightenment were rooted in the human quest for freedom and self-determination for the common man, regardless of race or sex and became the trial for a case which had taken many thousands of years of human history to play itself out.  Even if the reader concludes that The Confederate Movement, like The Fascist, Nazi Movement of the twentieth-century, was an evil, immoral and inhumane enterprise that is all the more reason why it should be studied and fully understood from the perspective of The Confederates if only to ensure that it’s politics and philosophy will never again infect and threaten the freedom of free men.

Voting Rights Were Given To Blacks During The Reconstruction Period

In order to truly understand the importance of the Civil War one must literally immerse themselves into the mind of those times.  When the Civil War began in 1861 the new republic of The United States of America was 85 years old and the new French Republic was only 62 years old.  Both the American and French revolutions were the culmination of over 172 years of intellectual unrest which began with the European Age of Enlightenment around 1689.  The fundamental ideals and concepts of The Enlightenment called for a rethinking of the socio-political and religious status-quot.  It challenged the divine right of Monarchs and of the church itself to exert absolute dominion over the lives of common men.  The French revolution was only the first of a long row of dominoes that would eventually be toppled as men struggled to free themselves from political and economic slavery and it was to continue to play itself out into the twentieth-century with the fall of the Nazi German in 1945 and USSR in 1991 approximately 302 years after the Enlightenment and 130 years after The United States of America was founded.   So the concepts founded in The Enlightenment took roughly 323 years to actually play themselves out to the extent that we can experience in 2012; it has been a long struggle and one which is not yet finished; but that is another story…

In Europe The Egalitarian Ideals Of The  Enlightenment Had  Toppled  The French Monarchy

From the seventeenth century on throughout the eighteenth century Europe was a hotbed for the evolving concept of civil rights.  George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams and other founding fathers represented the American contingency of the literati of that age in the colonies and they read extensively literature which was the signature of the age of enlightenment when they could not actually be in Europe.  But when they could escape to Paris and London to personally immerse themselves in this Cultural Revolution these framers of the American Constitution and Declaration of Independence were intimately familiar and sympathetic with the most progressive thinking of the century, a century that had come to look unfavorably on slavery and divine right.   These educated men knew they were but an island in the sea of the day in which slavery was the most lucrative trade; surely they understood that many decades would pass before the gilded rays of the enlightenment could penetrate the fog that encompassed this nation of great humanitarian potential.  Although they went to their graves without being able to see the injustice of slavery lawfully curtailed the act of freeing their slaves upon their death was at the time a unique and radical act of civil disobedience!  Because slaves were property to be inherited by the heirs of the deceased owner to free ones slaves was tantamount to denying the privilege of divine right to future generations and theoretically setting the example by which all rights would be absolved and all slaves eventually freed.  While it is certain that neither of the two former American Presidents George Washington or Thomas Jefferson had thoroughly thought out the loophole which would allow freed slaves to become re-enslaved their heroic act of civil disobedience evinced by freeing their personal slaves upon their death must have sent shock waves through the antebellum south and the north foreshadowing a great war to come... 

This Notice Invited Americans To Hear Ralph Waldo Emersons  Speech Renouncing The Fugitive Slave Act.

Many believe that the confederate movement was one of the first great efforts of the modern world to reverse the great humanitarian progress catalyzed in the egalitarian philosophies of the enlightenment.  The leaders of The Confederate movement were learned men and they were also men of high principles.  The organizers of the confederate movement were well aware of the lofty Ideals of The enlightenment.  They visualized their status within the revised; hybrid-Greco-Roman political structure of The U.S. to be rooted in and justified by the ancient patrician lifestyle together with all of its privileges and exclusivity.   Many of the landed gentry who encompassed the college of slave owners were themselves descended from European nobility and were keenly aware of their princely legacy as divinely preordained to rule not only the lives of lesser white men but most certainly of black men whom they deemed to be of a lesser form of human being than white men. During the period leading up to the Civil War Wealthy Southerners who owned Large Plantations and were slave owners were experiencing the same resistance as European Kings and nobility abroad.  Many European colonies established since before the beginning of the Dutch East India Company in 1500 were at unrest and struggling for freedom.   The world was full of the fire of revolution and sparks that had been kindling since the signing of the Declaration of Independence that had been taking form for decades as a great preparation for secession revealed itself full-blown to an America who must surely have been aware of its preparation.  The Confederacy had its own army, currency, flag, it had elected its own president and political leaders, generals etc.; In the nineteenth-century this would not have been an easy thing to disguise.    Whether a conscious ideological movement or not, the confederacy represented a clear and armed challenge to the philosophical Enlightenment which upheld individual rights and freedoms extended across all races and sexes.  Its failure forever changed the global climate of human rights bringing a bloody end to the political tradition in human history in which the laws of a government could be used to enslave or subjugate a race or group of peoples and deny them the right to participate in the shaping of their own destiny.  As such it must be studied as a critical turning point in the history of mankind itself.   When The United States of America consolidated itself after the Civil War, restoring the rebellious states to their historical union, it became a global benchmark for modern governments of the future.

The laws of The United States are silent to the specific act of secession but treat similar types of action taken against the United States under Chapter 115 of title 18 of the U.S. Code Annotated as acts of, “treason, rebellion, or insurrection, seditious conspiracy and avocation of the overthrow of the government as criminal offenses.”  From a purely legal perspective the confederate secession from The United States Government was an illegal act of treason. 
The opening of The Declaration of Independence reads as follows:
“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
This is the opening argument for secession from the government of England; it declares fundamental and irreconcilable differences between The Thirteen American Colonies and England such that a permanent separation is required.  Doubtless the Authors of the confederacy were consoled by this beautiful opening passage likening themselves to the founding colonies and seeking glorious self-determination from what they felt to be the tyranny of the American government.   But as most documents it is important not to take any one phrase or group of phrases too far out of context lest the central meaning itself be perverted or altogether lost in the effort.

The last passages of The Declaration of Independence read as follows:
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
Again, in the eyes of the framers of the confederacy, this poetic but real language would seem to offer clear justification for their secession from The United States.   Again, the organizers of the confederate movement were populated by some of the most prominent lawyers, judges, and intellectuals of the day, many of which had also studied extensively abroad in Europe.   They were no less eloquent or knowledgeable than any northern American lawyers or other political, intellectual counterparts.  We must put aside any bias we may have for the southern states who organized themselves around the confederacy to look at their argument objectively so that we may clearly understand the urgency they felt to remove themselves from what was then emerging as one of the newest and fastest growing political and economic powers of the nineteenth century outside of Europe, The United States of America.

But when we look at the second passage of The Declaration of Independence we find that it takes on another character, one patently inspired by the lofty ideals of The Enlightenment.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”
Now this is the critical point of divide, the point at which we must be able to place ourselves into the minds of the framers of the confederacy.  These men were undoubtedly slaveholders and descended of a long line of Plantation owners.  The condition and institution of slavery as a fundamental norm of society was planted in every molecule of their being, it was an incontrovertible truth to their way of life and that of their ancestors who founded the southern colonies.  It was their “R’ason D’etre”!  Furthermore, these southern planters, similar to the way European Kings and nobility felt about common people, had come to consider African slaves to be their possessions, chattels, assets afforded them by divine right.  The idea of the American government as a Republic further justified the landowners as superior to those even of European descent, who were not part of the landed gentry, American Aristocracy or Patrician class if you will… Although The Declaration of Independence identifies all men to have been created equally, a southerner would surely not have considered a Black slave to be human or a man of equal stature to himself and thus the point of slavery being somehow unconstitutional was completely unimaginable.  On a certain level one can imagine how a southerner, indoctrinated in the mindset of the time would have completely overlooked even the remote possibility of a Black man or woman as an equal to themselves because virtually every facet of life in the antebellum south reinforced the fact that they were not equal on any field of play.  Every facet of southern life was organized around the theme of racial and economic superiority and inferiority, even poor, uneducated and working class whites were considered to be of lower stature by middle class, upper class and educated whites.  These views of racial superiority would not be substantially challenged by scientific data until around 1913 when the first hominid fossils were discovered in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania in East Africa surprisingly only 52 years after the beginning of the Civil War in North America.  Southerners who seceded from the Union were fighting a war they may have honestly felt was ethically grounded because they did not believe Blacks were their equal as men and had manufactured a socioeconomic system that enforced what we now know to be a cruel, inhuman and unjustified form of institutional racism; but during the mid-nineteenth century the practise of slavery had been established for nearly 300 years In the Americas and in the New World so it was a norm of society like washing ones face in the morning.  To say that southerners were not aware of the mission of Abolitionists to abolish slavery on the grounds that it was ethnically and racially unsound and that a growing number of Americans now considered Black slaves and freedmen to be men and women owed equal stature to whites would be a gross misrepresentation of the times.  Whether southerners tacitly acquiesced to the philosophical arguments of the Abolitionists that bombarded their established way of life, closeting their humanitarian sentiments is unknown but clearly significant enough numbers of southerners became ego-invested in defending rising claims of immorality and inhumanity directed at not only the sale and possession of slaves but the iron-clad system of racial oppression required to maintain that status-quo.  Whether you take the position that the Civil War was fought principally as a humanitarian movement to end the century’s old practise of slavery blemishing the conscience and integrity of America; That it was a calculated move principally driven by the economic greed of the south who had enjoyed a free slave labor system or of northerners who felt intimidated by the economic potential of the south or whether you believe that the War began because the United States Government under Abraham Lincoln simply had to save face by putting down an embarrassing revolution is up you the individual. 

In lieu of the continuing struggle to properly place confederate sentiment into the legacy of the American nation a growing number of Americans have been challenged by the question of whether it is appropriate for the Confederate flag to be flown on State or Federal property; One strategy for examining the validity of the Confederate Movement and its principal symbol, the confederate flag would require as the specific burden of proof, verification that the inherent symbolism of the confederate flag contradicts and challenges the struggle for political, racial and social equality as defined in The Declaration of Independence and as such its use as an American Icon would openly proclaim defiance to the free peoples and government of The United States of America.

The Capitol of The Confederacy At Richmond Virginia

The brand of socio-political stratification intended by The Confederates differed hugely from that of The United States Government.  The Confederate Movement was a continuation of the status-quo; White male landowners and wealthy businessmen would rule as an aristocratic class excluding women, blacks, poor whites and nonwhites of any gender and race from economic, political and social equality.  Not only did the United States Government, at the time of the Civil War, intend to free black slaves but it hesitantly enlisted black soldiers allowing them to fight for the cause of the American government.  After the war, during the Reconstruction Period, Black men were elected to political offices, serving in congress and at every level of government.  I will not herein make any claims that The American government, and the majority of white Americans though they, themselves implemented these progressive measures, were fully on-board with what they ultimately represented but one must acknowledge that they were willing to experiment with this radically forward thinking concept of unilateral equality though it lasted only a short time. 

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Furthermore, in order for The Confederate Movement to maintain and justify its use of free black labor it had to implement a cruel and inhumane system of political discrimination which would deny black men and women the political leverage to extricate themselves from their plight.  In order to justify and enforce slavery southern states systematically polluted and perverted the law to suit their purposes by passing types of legislation such as the fugitive slave act.  These laws served one purpose only, to keep the black man from achieving anything!  The rationale for this blatant racism was rooted in the concept of white supremacy.

The North Was Vehemently Opposed To The Spread Of Slavery 

Even if one wants to be sympathetic to the argument that says when a person is conditioned by a system of racial/sexual inequality from childhood, raised on the dominant side, one cannot be held accountable for being brainwashed!  Owing to the historical accounts preserved in diaries and genealogical records we know that blacks and whites coexisted on a level of intimacy far different from that between their cattle, and other chattels.  Any rational, logical intelligent person who ever interacted with a black slave in the broad range of scenarios from a personal servant to a sexual partner must have surely known that, other than skin color, sex and other racial markers there was no difference between themselves and the slave.
Americans Celebrating Their Ancestral Legacy  As Descendants of Confederates

On this very day in the twenty-first century we we encounter oppressed people newly come to America and tolerate their social inequality and suffering because of apathy but we know that these people eat, sleep, think and function the same as ourselves.  One has to throw in this heavy dose of “Realness” because it transcends time and context, the human experience is universal thing and it alone has not changed during the millions of years of our theoretical evolution upon this planet.  For this reason alone, which every cognizant human being who has ever had a chance to interact with anyone from another race can relate to, the argument of The Confederate Movement utterly fails.  This leaves us to note that, knowing black slaves were really not the inferior savages that racism painted them to be, white southerners nonetheless pursued this end solely for economic gain.  In America, racism has achieved proportions which supersede rational thought.  This leaves the primary justifications for The Confederate Movement to racism and economics, a poor argument for the oppression of millions of people. 

General Lee Surrenders To General Grant Ending The  American Civil War

The outcome of things is sometimes merely what it is at the end of the day and may have no bearing on morality or any lofty ideals though humans like to believe that it does.  In case is unique; it represents a battle between the haves and the have-nots that had been going on since the dawn of our species.  It represents the first successful attempt at true democracy and egalitarianism since ancient times.  America was founded upon principles elucidated in the Enlightenment, a movement that began in Europe and bought to this country by the very luminaries who crafted The Declaration of Independence.  As such America can be viewed as a great charrette, an experiment and a fully articulated movement against the concept of Divine Right, social, political and economic stratification, a movement against a caste system based on birthright, racial and religious status quo’s.  The authors of the Declaration of Independence were aware of the changing popularity of slavery in Europe, they knew that the trend was moving toward an end to slavery but they understood that the economy of young America, unlike that of Europe, was more closely tied to its proliferation for survival.  By the middle of the nineteenth-century America enjoyed the economic successes of the Industrial Revolution and the unfinished business of slavery was gaining momentum both in the north towards abolition and in the south towards secession as a means of preserving the institution of slavery.  The success of the American Revolution had inspired political revolutions around the globe, everywhere, monarchies and centuries-old empires base on Divine right were falling.  By the mid nineteenth-century America, still viewed by the world as the great beacon of freedom and modernity, was under critical fire because of its preservation of slavery.  Slavery remained the last blemish on the conscience of America but it was perceived as the life blood of the south that had got used to it and had invested great energy and cost into its continuation in spite of the obvious;  The Industrial Revolution with its mechanized production capability had rendered manual slave labor obsolete.  Rather than invest in the technological trends of the day and abandon slavery, the southern states chose tradition over pragmatism racism over brotherhood and these obsolete choices defined the parameters marking their eventual decisive loss of the Civil War.  The south organized The Confederate Movement as the first great resistance to the egalitarian ideas of the movement called the Enlightenment ironically within the very country that became the global icon for the manifestation of its lofty revolutionary ideals, America.
Jefferson Davis, President of The Confederacy, With His Wife

The world watched this battle of ideals play out on American soil.  The War of 1812 had nothing on this historic debacle; it was no more than a pot shot from a safe haven in comparison.  The American Civil War was the first significant challenge to the Ideals of the Enlightenment.  Anyone living at that time whether from the north or the south would surely have been aware of the impending doom.  In the mid-nineteenth century, without the aid of factories The Confederate Movement did not manufacture an army complete with forts, uniforms, officers, a flag and its own rebel currency overnight…  Abraham Lincoln saw this battle coming as surely as he was tall, and so did the rest of America and the global community. 

The Confederates Printed Their Own Currency

The secession of the Confederate states from America was a criminal act, a treasonous act perpetrated after many years of careful and deliberate preparation.  The Confederate Movement challenged the very existence of America and its primary icon, the one symbol that survives even its infamous, treacherous history is the confederate flag.  The confederates sacrificed their lives for the cause of slavery and racial inequality.   But what is even more unforgivable, they took the lives of hundreds of thousands of Union Officers who fought for freedom in order supplant The American Government  and establish the Confederate government, a system founded upon racial hatred and oppression manifested in the highest form of inhumanity, the forced enslavement of men, women and children…  The confederate flag was the icon of this great evil much as the swastika was for the Nazis…  No one forced the confederate states to enter into this union in 1776, they did so freely and happily and were thereafter bound by the laws of this great land even if it meant the demise of a long enjoyed tradition of slavery and racism.

Map Of Mid-Nineteenth Century America Showing The Slave States Highligted

So we must ask ourselves why the icon of criminals, traitors and racists whose illegal rebellion was put down would be flown aside the American flag. To do so would be to defile the legacy of those who died and fought for the preservation of the Union, the true defenders and heroes of America who fought and died under the true American flag. 

The Jail Cell At Fort Monroe Where Jefferson Davis Was Imprisoned  For Treason

While I cannot imagine any reasonable justification for the flying of the confederate flag on a government building I can understand why descendants of confederates would want to preserve the legacy of their ancestors.  As Americans we cannot deny them the personal use of this icon on private property.  But on public property, on government property, the confederate flag is nothing short of defilement of the American flag and of the legacy of freedom and struggle that it symbolizes.  The Confederate flag on U.S. land can only be viewed as a defilement and challenge to America itself! 

Fort Monroe Where The Confederate President Was Imprisoned

So let confederate sympathizers raise their infamous criminal flag on their own private property but let them take this icon of disgust, immorality and inhumanity from our sacred temples of freedom and democracy! The history of The Confederate Movement is sewn into the fabric of America albeit as a failed, criminal rebellion and the Civil War should be discussed and celebrated as a great triumph for freedom by the Union Army at a time of critical moral uncertainty in America.  Let the message be clearly sent, “The war was lost by confederates and confederacy, including its most powerful icon, the confederate flag, shall rise no more”!


Written by David Vollin from 3/8/12
A Rare Daguerreotype Showing Frederick Douglass At An Abolition Rally

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