There is a difference
between being “DL” and “Bisexual”, actually there are many, many differences
between these two types of men. All DL
men are not bisexual and all bisexual men are not DL.
It is my opinion that each
category must be examined separately which is itself a very broad topic. It is not the purpose of this article to go into that level of detail to fully explicate the phenomenon of either bisexuality or the Down Low Lifestyle. the purpose of this article is to draw some conclusions about the cultural relevance of each both individually and in relation to each other and to predict how, given the current trend of social awareness at this phase of the sexual revolution, whether they represent long or short-term trends in human sexual development. At the first quarter of the Twentieth Century this lifestyle has come to a point where it poses a dangerous threat to potentially endanger the mental and physical health in the lives of those men and women who become emotionally and sexually entangled with them unaware of their hidden lifestyle. Socially and culturally the Down-Low lifestyle has virtually outlived its usefulness in the community of humanity, it has become obsolete. But due to its cryptic nature, hiding out deep in the hidden subconscious of human sexuality, it has become a difficult target for social reform
and cultural evolution.
We are at the middle of a very long road
toward what has been termed “The Sexual Revolution” and the closer we peer into
the realm of human sexuality we find there are more questions than answers… I have opined that what has been coined the “DL”
lifestyle is not itself inherently evil being representative of the free choice we all enjoy to choose the nature of our own sexuality. However, within this Down-Low culture I find clearly characterized specific perverse social and psychological deficiencies
with respect to the ethical standards of mainstream culture. Compounded
by the health issues of the late 20.jpg)
DL men, whether they are
strictly homosexual or bisexual share in common the fact that they are not open
about their homosexuality. Some, not
all, DL men often feign a heterosexual persona as a cover for their more
dominant homosexual orientation so it can be further argued that some
DL-Bisexual men are not truly bisexual, rather they are what might be called, “DL/Faux-heterosexual”
or even “Quasi-heterosexual”, Faux-heterosexual, etc., etc., etc. The main point is that a man who only
pretends to be heterosexual but is actually homosexual is actually
We must always leave some
room for those men who are actually bisexual but choose to suppress their
homosexuality publicly for some personal reason known only to them. This category may include men who are
actually openly bisexual to their female partners but not publicly. Notwithstanding, these men easily fall into
the same category as DL men but perhaps not with the full cache of psychoses
that typify the DL psyche in general.
There are some bisexual men who are genuinely DL because they have unresolved issues with their homosexuality ranging from a host of reasons such as having already established a heterosexual relationship, adult peer pressure from church, work or other social realms, etc. Once, again, there is no issue with their freedom of sexual expression but it is the perverse social, emotional and health dynamics they set into motion through their actions which bring their sexual practices under examination as potentially pathological. It is the not the homosexuality that I have issue with it is the artificial realm of deception required to screen and support their homosexuality that is ultimately the problem.
To clarify my argument, I
have opined that men who choose to hide their homosexuality in a social climate
that is open to it are operating outside of mainstream culture. Such men have chosen to create a condition
that does not exist anymore transforming DL behavior into a type of modern phobia not
dissimilar and actually a manifestation of homophobia. These men may need psychological assistance to manage their fear and to at least establish a strategy to manage their lifestyle in a manner that is responsible on an ethical level.
Indeed, in this current
social climate where homosexuality is mainstream we must closely analyze the
behavioral patterns of men who operate as homosexuals but suppress self-actualization
of their homosexuality. We must attempt to understand what drives
their tendency to exponentially exacerbate this dysfunction through the
conscious physical and psychological falsification/manipulation of reality purposed
to suppress a firmly established practice of same sex encounters. Why do
these men desire to substitute their homosexual lifestyle with a patently manufactured
heterosexual lifestyle? This behavioral pattern must be considered to be
aberrant not because these men do not have the right to freely choose the nature of
their sexuality without being judged but because the way they have chosen to
express their sexuality has placed those who are sexually and emotionally
involved with them in physical and mental peril!
By David Vollin
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