I let my laughter kick
through rusting leaves
and each one
that fell
opened up the
o’er grown summer canopy
till all there was, was sky…
my spirit
sensing it’s escape rose
far beyond
the limbs
creaking in the wind
of this ancient wood
to kiss the widening firmament
revealed as each leaf
sank to the soil…
i loved the waning beauty
captured in the passing moments
of this time
though the noble
evanescing culture of
this transitional realm
cost my senses
many cherished climes
so I resigned, bereft of everything
to test the very gravity of loss
defining its cost
the grander of two

hid in the woods
and the secret places of the wild
at springs end…
By David Vollin…
I absolutely love how you've captured the enduring season changes in your pics...