The subject of the enslavement of black men, women and children in America should not insult or disturb you unless you are either ashamed of the realities of its legacy or defensive of your position of support for what is universally considered a crime against humanity. In America, regardless of your race you cannot escape having a position on slavery!
The bottom line is that you either despise or are in agreement with America's past justification of slavery and the vicious institution of racism that it continues to represent today!
The residual fallout of slavery affects every aspect of modern life in America. Every major corporation that has ever proliferated here owes it’s success to the economic boom made possible by the federally condoned slave trade.
The American government enforced legalized slavery for the first 85 years of all 240 years or 35% of its existence. But the racist policies and structure behind slavery continued to be enforced by our government until 1969 or for 80% of the existence of this nation. The concomitant practise of racially motivated disenfranchisement and violence originally invented to enforce slavery has never stopped!
Racism is more American than apple pie! Remember that hose legendary pies were cooked by slaves who were forced to pick them under the most barbaric conditions imaginable and all absolutely free! Think about them the next time you taste an apple pie…
The corporate structure of America was made possible by unfettered profits made possible by free slave labor. Just imagine if you could create a company without having to pay employees or provide Healthcare or any other employee benefits?
How else besides slavery can you explain how a struggling young nation of poor farmers pulled 13 raggedy colonies into a nation after nearly losing a war with England and in only 60 years managed to become a world power player in the industrial revolution?
The piece, the missing piece, the unspoken piece, the downplayed piece, the guilty piece and the piece that has never been rectified politically, socially or economically is of course, “SLAVERY!”.
Some Black Americans are shamed by their history others are ignorant of it. The fact that the legacy of slavery has unique consequences for people’s of color necessitates our understanding of its dynamics as a tool to reverse and curtail it’s continued effects upon us. This horrific game had played out too long and I am absolutely appalled that so many Black Americans continue to fail to understand its significance or take action to put it in check. I will continue to write about slavery until they are awakened!
I will continue to write about slavery because the struggle, disappointment and pain of my ancestors still burns and aches hot within my soul. I still cry for them. I still hurt for them. Through my writing I embrace and metaphorically become them... I become a voice telling the terrible and beautiful truths they died unable to speak! I am their voice! Because of their struggle and not in spite of it this country belongs to their descendants but we must be awakened from the trance of slavery that still cripples us in order to claim it! You have only to listen to the voices of your ancestors… Their voices are locked in the untold history of this nation. Study, research, explore this rich untold story and you too will be awakened!
In a long-failed and hideously transparent attempt to save domestic and global face America has made an unholy covenant with its guilt and it’s fiercely burning hatred to ignore and cultivate the cancer of racism. America refuses to purge itself from the one obstacle preventing it from becoming the land of freedom and opportunity it pretends to be. Racism is treated as a social taboo because of its diabolical spirit and much like another taboo, sexuality a closer look at what Americans are doing ultimately exposes them in blatant contradiction to ideals they do not have any intention of living up to. The disparity in racial equality is something that should serve as platform to bring this nation together as an instrument of survival in the twenty-first century realm of economic viability but it is clear that old habits are difficult to change. When we bring up the topic of racism whether in mixed company or as a unified group it is often perceived as an angry, aggressive, radical or dissenting topic. This is because people mistakenly perceive the cure with the same fear and apprehension as they do the cancer.
After so long there really should be no question about what is right and what is wrong about racism in fact it should be the meaningful and soulful platform that brings all races together, right? Black and white Americans are so intimately bound by the legacy of racism that it is such a disappointment they have not yet found a way to overcome it and begin to cultivate a real, working brotherhood.
Racism has a dark and violent past that has never been easy to digest. This is why it has been avoided and swept under the rug. But there has always been a group of Americans who have never abandoned the aggressive perpetuation of racism. These people perceive progressive social progress as a negative phenomenon. They exist in an anachronistic world of primitive barbarism and social malcontentedness. The inspiration for the evil they breed is a disgusting heap of failed attempts to smother the human spirit with lies. Racists worship evil it is their raison d’etre! That is why racism must be exposed, confronted, and eradicated! But those who take on the crusade to defeat racism must be careful they do not themselves become corrupted by the bile of racist thought! Their goal should be to neutralize racism today ensuring it’s cancer cannot infect future generations.
Many black people understand there will always be Americans who will hate them just because of their race but that has never prevented them from striving to heal racial scars among all races.
In the crusade against racism Black Americans have assumed the role of the healer because they have been compelled to understand intimately the pain of its whip!
Of course the nature of social diversity is that not everyone will agree. Americans want to pretend everything is alright. The cost of this charade has been that millions of men, women and children are forced to accept poverty, ignorance and violence simply because of their race. For the most part Americans have been conditioned to accept racial disparities and they endure them without challenge as a consequence of dysfunctional survival behaviors that were crafted and evolved during slavery. Under the shackles of slavery and in the present black people have survived by ignoring racial violence lest it turn it’s fury toward them. Whether they condoned racism or not many nonblack Americans have survived by going along with the program. But to the rest of the world the spectre of racism in America is a glaring disparity. Given Americas claim to be a soldier of egalitarianism it’s racist soul stands out as a comedic lie but for its vicious assaults on the human dignity of the very peoples who built the nation. Because America has lied about who built the nation it has felt the need to justify it through racial degradation.
The human characteristic of aggression be it racial, physical, verbal, economic or otherwise is typified by its unwillingness to retreat. We find that putrefying characteristic in modern America. Fear redoubled by guilt are the mechanisms that convince the aggressor that they must maintain a foothold least they become the oppressed. But racism in America is not only motivated by the fear of “cummupins” it is a lethal, pathological cancer passed down to each generation keeping the ugly nightmare alive. Racism in America is lustfully cultivated and worshiped as a religion.
So I write not only about but against racism because it is my birthright as the great, great grandson of slaves to continue their struggle for freedom. I am bound to this mission by virtue of my race but it is a soulful duty transcending race. I serve as a guardian of truth and light. I live a meditative life taking care that my mission does not become corrupted by the evil against which I fight. Ii accept my imperfection but pray for divine guidance.
Those who profess to fight against racism must not themselves become racists. They must always remember that human beings no matter how deeply corrupted by the cancer of racism are still humans and must therefore be loved as brothers. But like children who require redirection their misguided actions must be checked and corrected. I write about racism as a humble servant of humanity and my position is neither black or white is is the position of truth.
I write what I see removing filters designed to distract men from taking positive action by giving them an excuse to ignore the urgency of humanitarian intervention. I write about racism because I live to see humanity happy and free!
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