It must have been about 20 years ago when I first began thinking about creating a "Cultural Salon" as a reaction to the mundane social circles In Washington D.C. The richness of intellectual and artistic interchange had died, college friends had moved, the internet had not yet become the phenomenon it now is... I romanticised about the Salons of the mid to late 1800's in Paris, London and Berlin and the cultural dynamo of the Harlem Rennaisance. I was fortunate enough to meet a gentleman, an artist who lived and traveled with James Baldwin... Jimmy he affectionately called him, and he spoke often of their small cottage in southern France and of the many Artists, Poets and Luminaries that dropped in to chat and relax. Well, the impressionists, cubists, modernists, etc. all hung out together famously in those days and shared their ideas with one another creating a creative greenhouse in a world that was rapidly changing. I longed to have lived in those times, to have met Cassat, Rodin, Ellington, Fitzgerald, Baker, Balwin, well I did finally meet Baldwin and others purely for the joy of intellection upon the arts. This was in the late 1980's and by the mid 2000's I happened to run into a friend of mine from Hampton University who had been living in New York since he graduated in the early 90s. Well, I was surprised to hear him comment that in all of the wonder that is New York he never met anyone who ever really had anything interesting to say about art, literature, architecture, science, fashion or anything... I was so surprised to hear this since it had also been my experience. Well here I am in 2011 attempting the Virtual Salon...

Monday, June 11, 2012


The way that summer heat baked the black asphalt street outside, Drayton was more than certain all the tires along his row of houses were going to burst in one huge cascade.  He watched amused as a young bird settled on the hood of his brand new Cadillac only to quickly hustle away after getting a hot foot.  His neighbor and aesthetic rival Beardon Dukkett pulled up right behind his car in a white convertible BMW so close at first that Drayton thought he was going to drive right into the back seat.   “Drama Queen,” Drayton whispered under his breath as Beardon distinctly looked him directly in the eye as if checking for irritation. 

Beardon made his way up to the wrought-iron fence standing about twenty feet between the greenest most immaculate lawn and the neat, deeply eave’d front porch of Drayton’s 1920’s bungalow.  He leaned over the fence and said, “What happened to you today Drayton I didn’t see you at work today, you do know about my new promotion don’t you?”  Without waiting for Drayton to respond Beardon went on, “I hear there was actually someone in our office that applied and interviewed but I can’t imagine who, since I’m the only one qualified for the job, can you believe that man? I also heard that some gay guy applied, I asked the receptionist about that but she said she didn’t see any fellas in high heels and with arched eyebrows come into the office that day!” He smiled at Drayton as if oblivious to the fact that it was he who had been the other applicant so Drayton returned his smile with an equally obsequious grin and walked off into the house without greeting him or responding… the door shut presently as he entered his house leaving Beardon perplexed but generally unmoved as was his nature. 

By the time Drayton returned to his front porch with a pitcher of fresh lemonade and some ham and Swiss sandwiches Beardon was long gone.  “Dayum!” he thought out loud, “How the hell did they find out I was gay?  Drayton had not understood why he had not been promoted until this very minute.  It was precisely because of this event that he had taken the day off, it was the new persons first day on the job and he wanted to make sure he was nowhere to be found.  As a professional he had already committed to work with the new boss as objectively as anyone but the prospect of having to take orders from Beardon was more than he could pull off on the first day.  He had already vowed upon receipt of the notice that he had not got the position that he would seek employment elsewhere where he could find advancement but he kind of liked his job and the people there and besides, he was good at what he did and did not feel as if he should have to continue to work hard without the possibility of advancement.  But he revised his resume and cover sheet, tailoring it to at least a dozen jobs he found in his field then waited to hear something back, hoping he would be able to give his notice and brag about the new better paying job he had landed, smearing the fact that his former employers had not recognized his talent in their faces at his going away party… “Yeah right” he thought, “Like those hard up homophobes are really going to give me a going away party or even an exit interview!” 

As the events of the following week played themselves out he was certain he had been passed up for the promotion because of a rumor that he was gay.  Furthermore, he recalled the loquacious secretary from personnel coming down shortly before the public announcement of the new supervisor was made with some hot dirt.  He was certain that it was news of the new hire and specifically the news that it would not be himself.  Although he suspected as much he was so certain that his credentials and time on the job experience made him a shoe-in that he dismissed the childish gossiping’s of the women and men on his floor of the office certain that they would soon see him for the person he really was, a supervisor. 

Drayton stayed to himself at work, he remained aloof of the gossips and the cliques that easily formed themselves in the various socio-political niches of his organization.  He considered his private life to be sacrosanct and kept it personal making sure never to disclose his homosexuality to anyone at all, especially not anyone in the office.  Furthermore, he always dated men who lived in other cities and sparsely dated women, not the ones in the office because it was too close but he made his appearances at places around town where he knew they would be marked.  Just as a smokescreen he always used the excuse that he was going to see his ex-girlfriend in New York for the weekend, this, he figured would both affirm that he was straight and also let the ladies know that there was a flame there so they would not be on his tip and of course, how unverifiable was an “Ex-Girlfriend” from college living in New York?  He almost laughed thinking about how confused all the gossips in his office had been but apparently they had got some inkling of his true tea and where that had come from began to haunt his every moment at work and off the job.  He began an elaborate dissection of his associates to find out just who and where such a rumor might have got leaked. 

Sitting on his front porch he watched the shadows lengthen and the listened to the whining of the locusts in the dense heat.  The phone rang, it was a quirky ident-a-ring… it was Barlow his boyfriend.  He picked up the phone, a deep and notably annoyed voice rang out, “Drayton what the Hell is going on man I haven’t heard from you in two weeks man… is there something you need to tell me cause if it is I think you don’t even have to bother with details man just say it’s over and I’m gone Bro!  HELLO! HELLO! ARE YOU THERE MAN!”  Drayton was surprised and alarmed at how loud the phone resonated in his porch… he held the speaker side of the phone down on his lap and covered it cautiously looking to adjust the volume before speaking.  “I was going through some bad times Barlow, man… I didn’t get that position I thought I was going to get, you know how hard I worked to get it… I was so disappointed I just didn’t want to take it out on you man… honest I love you,“ Drayton looked around cautiously as if the very rafters themselves had microphones or as if the gnats and fireflies might be eavesdropping on him ready to broadcast the news of his boyfriend to the gossips at  work.  In a hushed voice he resumed, walking back into the house and checking that the door was licked and bolted and chained behind him, “Man I just found out that I didn’t get the job because of a rumor I am gay, can you believe that?  I have gone through all this fucking work to date women and even sleep with them, making sure they are seen coming to visit and leaving in the morning, taking them to church and to office events only to end up becoming the fucking office homosexual right behind my own back!  I just don’t understand it.  What went wrong?” 

There was a long period of silence before Barlow responded… he half-believed Drayton’s cockamamie story but wanted to be compassionate for him just in case his better instincts were in fact wrong.  “Baby,” he said, “Let me  come down and stay with you for a few days or come up here for a few days through the weekend just to get a change of scene man… we can talk about it all you like and maybe there is something I can do, you know I’m an attorney babe.”

“WHAT THE FUCK” Barlow yelled, “I told you about all that gay shit man… it’s no good down here man, these mothafuka’s don’t respect anything to do with gay!” He paused to catch his breath, clenching a book on the dresser where he sat looking into the mirror nearly in tears, “I did everything right man, I know those black bastards don’t like me on my job because I am a thorough brotha and I am the only one in the office that has a master’s degree not even the owner and head boss has a masters.  It’s not like I flaunt my education around the office like that pompous ass Beardon, the prick that got my position, I wonder if that bastard spread the rumor just to fuck me up! I wouldn’t put it past him man he is unscrupulous!  He knows that not only was he not qualified but that a rumor like me being gay was all the staff and management team needed to hear to get me out of his way.  I’m mad as hell man and hearing from you at this point, my gay lover… at a time when I just got overlooked for a promotion because I might be gay, confirming that I am gay, is hardly what I need.” 

Barlow was deeply hurt by Drayton’s emotional revelation and now he was more than certain it was really the reason why he had not heard from his lover in over two weeks.  But the gravity of the situation, that he could so easily be discarded and discounted weighed in so deeply against the possibility that they would ever be able to carry on a normal relationship that he determined he would try to help his estranged lover through this trial but move on after it had been dissipated.  He thought this without ever uttering a word to Drayton but kept it to himself, knowing that Drayton was probably aware of his intentions, but it was all he could do for self-preservation in the face of dating a DL Brotha, a thing not only his better judgment, but that of his family and friends had repeatedly warned against!

His father’s voice came as clearly to him as if he were standing directly in front of him, “Barlow, you have fought a long hard battle to be out with your sexuality and it has rewarded you in your profession and community both of which hold you in high esteem, and to put your freedom at jeopardy now, by dating a man who has not paid his dues as you have is foolish in my opinion, but you have always had a mind of your own son and while I counsel you against this, I also want you to know that you do have your fathers and mothers support in this and any other endeavor you chose to embark upon.”  Barlow remembered speaking with his parents about how he was going to forge a cohesive relationship with a man who lived in the closet when he was out and public… he knew then that there was a fair chance it would not work, he might scare his lover away on the sheer principles that he had established as his ethical foundations…

“I’m not coming down to see you Drayton, I love you but there is nothing I can do for you if you are determined to continue to live a lie man.  My coming down to you might even serve to hurt you more man so I’m  going to hold my ground right here in  Washington, D.C. where I know I have a firm place to walk upon.  As much as I miss and need you I realize now that you need yourself more than you need me now.  But know baby, that if you should change your mind I will come down to Birmingham on the next flight to be with you.  I love you deeply and unconditionally but you cannot balance the love I have for you man… I’ve never even been to your house before or your town and we have slept together for five years now, we have shared everything together except your life… so I am going to let you decide how you will move forward, or if you want to move forward at all…. With me…” Barlow said this with so much determination and compassion that Drayton almost invited him to Birmingham; he thought perhaps he could stay in a hotel just outside of town and he would get a rental car to go meet him so that his car would not be recognized at the hotel.  But just as instantly as this revelation came to him he also realized that it would be unacceptable to Barlow.  So instead of saying, “Yes baby come on down to Birmingham and let’s get a hotel just outside of town,” he responded, “Ok man let me think on it for a few days and I will get back with you, I’ve got a lot on my mind now and I don’t want to burden you with it, it’s not your battle baby…”  Drayton was sure Barlow would simply hang-up on him and he’d never hear from him again unless and maybe not even if he called him back and begged and begged.

Barlow replied, “Baby, that’s fine with me, I see you need time to clear your head some more, but know that I love you and am ready to support you whatever your decision may be.  Know also that I am not just going to be waiting to be given a “Dear John” letter from you at some unfathomable point in the future after you have long overspent my patience and understanding… I am a man too baby and I deserve to be treated equally.  I wasn’t going to say this, but I feel as if I need to at this point man… I don’t really think we are going to be able to go any further in our relationship; you are living a lifestyle that is 180 degrees opposite from mine both philosophically and physically… you are still dating and fucking women to maintain your façade of manhood, a façade that clearly no longer exists in the minds of your colleagues…. But I remain loyal to you.  I don’t want to drop a bomb on you at this of all times but I’m going to date other men Drayton and even, perhaps have sex with them because it is my right to do so given the clear options that you afford me!  I’m not going to call text or email you unless you contact me first.  I’m not going to ever bring this issue up again for discussion unless you open it first.  Let’s consider ourselves to have an open relationship but know Drayton that if I meet another man who can provide the things that you cannot I will leave you for that man and never turn back again.  I’m not going to give you my speech about being a real man and not some straight mans “Bitch” cause you already know how I feel!  I need a man! A real man! A man does not run scared and live scared, changing his life to suit other men who have no power over him… A real man lives his live and loves as he chooses daring other men to challenge his manly right! And ready to defend his right, if necessary by force!  I allowed myself to fall in love with only part of you but ignored the other aspect that drove you, and that is fear Drayton, pure unmasked fear and weakness!  So in parting I challenge you to be a man and you will see that no one can hurt you when you are honest up-front, straightforward about yourself! Then and only then can you know that you have been judged not by your secrets and fears, but by your credentials as a man and as a professional!  You have created this wall of lies and when it comes down around you all credibility will be lost!  You have to power to change this but it has to come from you Drayton, not from me!”  The phone went dead and Drayton let it sit on the desk for at least five minutes while it automatically shut down. 

Over the next couple of days Drayton did his own detective work discovering where the root of this terrible lie had taken hold first convincing him that it was not himself.  One of the things he did at his job was to manage the company’s corporate phone accounts.  He had access to all the texts and emails forwarded between employees but he never broke his ethical instinct to eavesdrop before now.   He started with the most loquacious gossips in the office and found they had ironically not uttered a word before the job announcement had been made.   What he did discover was that Beardon had an excessive amount of texts and calls to a number in Washington, D.C. specifically in a town called Burtonsville which was actually in Maryland only 20 minutes outside of the city limits.  A closer examination revealed the sexually explicit nature of the texts many of which contained nude pictures and racy erotic language but what struck him hardest was that the pictures coming from Burtonsville were from another man. 

Written by David Vollin on 6-11-12


Sometimes the very obvious, the obvious, the nearly obvious and the not-so obvious merely cancel each other out when they collide with issues that have been given greater magnitude in the commandment of our thoughts.  They jump, crawl and swim right up to us like beloved pets do when we are too preoccupied with other matters, forgetting to notice them.  We finally recognize them as the familiar things we’ve lived with, remarkably ironic now, having waited impatiently but prudently until their window could be opened… 

 Nearly six weeks went by after Beardon’s first day a Drayton’s new boss.  Drayton had already resolved to be civilized about the entire thing, to be a gentleman and a professional acknowledging Beardon as his superior and doing everything he could to make him feel comfortable in his new position; it was the right thing to do.  Besides, in his greater wisdom he realized that any inkling that he had not got the promotion because the carefully guarded secret about his homosexuality had been leaked was purely hearsay and he refused to even react to something that amounted to a myth inside of his mind.  If Drayton was anything he was a rational, civilized and principled man who considered it a hallmark of his character that he set the gentlemanly example setting himself apart from those of his colleagues whom he affectionately named, “The Barbarians”!  The fact of the matter is that he had hugely relied upon the gossip of these barbarians to bring himself closer to an understanding of the truth admittedly falling back on the very baseness he despised to ground himself with some kind of resolution.  It was a crash-course for him in the manner of the crude and undecorated world easily solved its problems with lies and deceit, the desperate and razor-sharp world that drove gentlemen like him away.  He saw that world as a place empty of the type of aspiration inspired by pure and honest artifice,  it was a place that existed in spite of choking upon its own uselessness, bereft of fuel and ambition, exhausting every resource around it in a futile effort to sustain itself thereby garnering raison d’etre!  That world preyed upon the disparate souls who operated from within the light of themselves who would freely share it with others. But at once Drayton knew he was not wholly that enlightened man and he had no right to judge others so sharply against his concept of righteousness, an unproven cosmos thus complicated by his own hidings however justified they pointed to a man who was in clear sight of freedom but had quite a few miles to go before the gateways in the walls of that bastion were in clear view.  He had never even imagined coming out before… the mere thought to him now was unimaginable so he drifted off watching while the quiet of his little street was intermittently transformed by a car, motorcycle or bicyclist passing through…  Drayton was a peaceful man… sheltered by his parents from the meanness of the streets… He understood their sacrifice, and utilized the advantages they gave him to reward their effort.  His parents were the first in their family to get a college education.  And from the very first moment he could understand anything it was made clear to him that college was a minimum requirement but it was not forced upon him… merely reinforced as a standard by which he would ultimately be measured as a man in his parents eyes.  His childhood, adolescence and early manhood had been full of the love of his family and because he was surrounded with such care he hardly noticed the privileged upbringing he had enjoyed.  His parents were careful to teach him that he was one among equals… that he must have compassion and understanding for those less fortunate, lessons that had no real meaning to him until he became aware of the realities of the world. 

He had quite lost track of time as he had been sitting there thinking when presently he was roused by the clamour and familiar smile of a neighbor who had been attempting to get his attention for who knows how long.  The face said, “Wow man that’s heavy! Got a lot on your mind I see! Well I won’t disturb you too long but,” the face advanced toward the front porch after opening the heavy Victorian, Gothic Revival, wrought iron gate and continued up the rise of approximately 7 rusticated sandstone stairs, “I bought some beers for us to drink whilst we talked, that is… if you have a mind and some time to spend a few golden hours with your new boss.”  The face was Beardon’s face and together with his body it had fully mounted the rise and sought an assortment of glider chairs lining the exterior wall of the house underneath the deep overhang of the porches roof.  Beardon shifted a pale green glider chair until it was nearly two inches or less from Drayton’s chair and justly parallel.  Drayton’s first inclination was to shift his body to the far side until he could manage to physically move the chair itself a few feet away, he attributed the Beardon’s spatial anomaly to the fact that three of the 12 beers were missing from the case he lugged up to the shaded perch of the deep, front porch but made no mention of his analysis of Beardon’s condition.  Drayton listened while Beardon talked about things which he had no interest in whatsoever, people named who he did not know, places referenced he had no knowledge of or desire to see… He did this out of courtesy alone, uncomfortable as Beardon moved ever closer to him at times near enough to suggest intimacy.  Even with the thickening fog of intoxication befuddling his head Beardon recognized Drayton’s uneasiness and compensated by shifting his conversation to women.  “Women! Really!” Drayton thought, wanting to protest, but withheld his desire… Instead he determined to placate Beardon by feeding In to this new shift of human interest… “Well there’s certainly a lot of phat honey’s in the “G.M.”’s office man I’m sure they are all over you now that you got that promotion.” Without being able to catch himself the issue of Beardon’s promotion slipped out of his lips, he stood his ground managing an exaggerated smile to balance the fact that he instinctively wanted to recoil for being so stupid as to introduce that topic.  Notwithstanding, Beardon was noticeably unmoved by the remark and so Drayton’s strategy worked, he promised himself to have no more beer just to be sure he did not make a mistake like that one again but now delighted in the art of deception shifted the topic back to women again…  Choosing a woman who had recently left the company he sought safety in the lack of politics that might ensue from discussing staff in less than a professional manner.  “Remember Paendra?  Everybody was trying to get into her pants man… she was definitely an attractive woman but I don’t think any of us squirrels ever cracked open that nut… eh?” 

Beardon was listening and he was just staring into Drayton’s face with a queer smile wrapped around his entire face.  Drayton could not place it exactly and attributed it to the increasing level of alcohol coursing through Beardon’s circulatory system.  He had that stupid unfocused smile that people get when they are drunk… “Fuck, I’m getting drunk on my front porch with my boss,” the words slipped again from his mouth… this time Beardon heard it and to Drayton’s relief he released a huge bout of laughter… sincere and well-earned it was…  Drayton had been way to reserved throughout the entire time… after all Beardon had really tried to break the ice by coming over and bringing alcohol and starting a personal report with Drayton.   His laughter actually finally got Drayton to relax with the entire situation.  Before he had thought, “Dayum, last time I’ll sit on this front porch, I could have been chilling in the house about now not cheesing with my boss on my time off.”  Now, the thought to himself, “Oh well this beats just sitting in the house alone, it is something to do.  And maybe I can use this as an opportunity to find out what’s really going on with my new boss”

 Beardon went on without pause intent on filling Drayton in on the latest gossip about Paendra.  He started, “That Paendra is one phat somebody bro… but I found out she is really a big ass freak underneath all that tailored suit and high ruffled collar business she sells in the office.  Yeah man my boy Demarcus told me she nearly raped him one night when they went out for drinks.  Come to find out she had nearly raped all of the brothas working in her department she actually had one kat ready to leave his wife and children, can you imagine that?  Must have been some sweet, killer pussy she had!  Come to find out you are the only one in her division that didn’t fuck her man… or else maybe you just hit that thing real quiet and rolled out!” 

Drayton was feeling a bit high and was not sure what to say but realized he had to say something in response… “Yeah man I heard she was sleeping with every man in my division and my girl did too so I had to keep it professional with her meetings in public never alone, my girl was cool with the receptionist,” He lied and immediately realized Beardon might attempt to check up on his story and sought a way around it, “You don’t remember her man she was just a temp who came in before you were hired.”  Whew! Drayton just managed to get out of that jam, he realized that in order to be an effective liar you have to have the story well worked out beforehand.  Beardon asked Drayton if he could use his bathroom, he had never been inside Drayton’s house before.  Before he responded Drayton feverishly went over every square inch of his house to be sure there were no hallmarks of his homosexuality left out for Beardon to see. 
Written by David Vollin on 7-19-12

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