Whenever my grey whiskers begin to brandish themselves, which is usually after a couple weeks safekeeping under a generous application of, "Just For Men", I look at them and ask myself, "Dave, are you ready to go grey"?
The whole interlude reminds me of the way Audrey Hepburn writes-off a dapper gentleman who shows up at her party in lieu of a richer, younger and more naïve “Kat”. She goes on to eternally label him as “Tres Distangue” in the classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Well there are younger varieties of “Gentlemen” to whom the term, “Distangue” or “Distinguished” may be immanent but not yet settled-in enough to be fully applicable. It is especially to these young-Gavin’s that I extend the hand of brotherly commune. Yes! Yes! Yes! There will be time and enough to be “Le monsieur totale signala” in a manner expected of your style but live the moment when it commeth Brotha! Be distinguished in your heart and be so known by your deeds but keep the color going unless it is your particular style to accent your tete and visage with a tinct of grey.
Gentlemen, have a mind that there are many distinguishing characteristics that denote ones overall aesthetic but there is a point at which the word has generally been corrupted to appear to denote an accomplished and respectable but physically decrepit man. This is neither the proper use of the term nor the effect I am sure any younger gentleman who is genuinely distinguished would like to feature. The way, man, to dispel the myth is to live it!
If I had a son then this would be one my many fatherly talks with him in his mid to late thirties or whenever he began to show the first rumours of grey. I’d say,
“Son, there’s no problems with going grey for as you know your father has been grey for some time now although I choose to colour my hair. It’s a vanity of mine you might do well to learn. This is son, if you feel comfortable with it. Remember son that man created technology to handle things just such as this”. A Kodak moment to be sure... I remember wondering at the tubes of Grecian Formula and boxes of Just For Men my dad used in the 1970’s. My father was and is an amazingly handsome man. He had every cologne that was popular at the time. When I was home alone I used to just admire his collection of ties and dress shirts, cufflinks and medallions, tuxedo shirts and studs, bow ties, belts, wallets, combs, braces and shoes shaving razors and after shave cremes and shoe polishes. My father had all the cool gear and I loved pretending I was going to go out and look cool just like him. I wanted to be just like my dad. And all the time I was too young to understand what I was really looking at was a distinguished gentleman in his mid to late 30’s just taking the grey out of his perfectly cut Afro.
Since I’m clearly a fan of delaying the grey-in let me direct this question at you! Let me assure you that if you share my passion to control every aspect of your visage... then you should have your wish! Now this is where the boys do separate from the men. If you are the type of gentleman who prides himself in his appearance then this is not the time to let yourself begin falling apart! Don’t just think of it as a vanity… It actually is but who said a little vanity is not good when spread around in just the right places.
Restoring color to your hair or even applying a different one is easy and simple. Generally you can get a hair dye or rinse over the counter and apply it at home. Men's hair color is not the tedious type used in Salons by women that have to be professionally administered but if you are uncertain about your ability to pull it off successfully you should ask your barber to help you. You will find that most men do it all the time and will even share their tips with you the same as shaving or other men’s grooming tips.

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