It must have been about 20 years ago when I first began thinking about creating a "Cultural Salon" as a reaction to the mundane social circles In Washington D.C. The richness of intellectual and artistic interchange had died, college friends had moved, the internet had not yet become the phenomenon it now is... I romanticised about the Salons of the mid to late 1800's in Paris, London and Berlin and the cultural dynamo of the Harlem Rennaisance. I was fortunate enough to meet a gentleman, an artist who lived and traveled with James Baldwin... Jimmy he affectionately called him, and he spoke often of their small cottage in southern France and of the many Artists, Poets and Luminaries that dropped in to chat and relax. Well, the impressionists, cubists, modernists, etc. all hung out together famously in those days and shared their ideas with one another creating a creative greenhouse in a world that was rapidly changing. I longed to have lived in those times, to have met Cassat, Rodin, Ellington, Fitzgerald, Baker, Balwin, well I did finally meet Baldwin and others purely for the joy of intellection upon the arts. This was in the late 1980's and by the mid 2000's I happened to run into a friend of mine from Hampton University who had been living in New York since he graduated in the early 90s. Well, I was surprised to hear him comment that in all of the wonder that is New York he never met anyone who ever really had anything interesting to say about art, literature, architecture, science, fashion or anything... I was so surprised to hear this since it had also been my experience. Well here I am in 2011 attempting the Virtual Salon...

Monday, October 10, 2011



The current paternity laws are violate the constitutional rights of men to choose or reject fatherhood, but they have never been challenged.  Paternity laws have been abused and twisted to punish men who do not desire to be father unwanted children for them there is no choice... only the ominous cloud of perpetual legal and economic entrapment within a system that ignores their right to self determination.  The lives and livelihoods of many men have been ruined by unconstitutional paternity laws designed to punish men who do not wish to father children.  The laws have been driven by spiteful, vengeful and desperate women in genuine need who have not had the wisdom to act responsibly themselves or to take reality at face value...  Often it is the man who must pay dearly for a the lack of communication and simple common sense that should have been inherent in paternity laws... but these laws have little basis in reason or justice... A man should have the right to reject a fatherhood he does not want! If the legal process for determining paternity liability issues was  concerned with the fathers constitutional rights a man could successfully dispute being trapped into unwanted fatherhood.  Fatherhood, and for that matter parenthood can a beautiful thing when both parents are mentally and financially prepared to take on this responsibility... but when these variables are not in place we have a recipe for social dynamite.  The current paternity laws actually exacerbate what are already bad conditions... and they take the power of justice and choice away from the man. 

I always seem to come the the point in a debate when I argue the "Idealism Vs Reality" spin.  In this case, easy one... the Ideal is that every man and woman has thoroughly thought out the ramifications of sex including having offspring, both the financial and emotional aspects.  These parents or potential parents are both financially stable or have made plans to manage the finances and other unavoidable responsibilities of both time and energy.  The real is quite a different story.  More than often parenthood is not the intended outcome of sex.  A woman may feel that her pregnancy obligates a man to participate as a father and spouse but a man may have a completely different view.  He may look upon the sex as merely casual and recreational and the pregnancy as accidental and therefore disposable.  He does have this right, even though it may not fit traditional views, it is nonetheless his right to reject fatherhood. 

His reasoning whatever it may be, should be heard and taken seriously before a new child is born into a hostile and potentially tragic world of strife and potential poverty.  He may realize that he does not love the woman, that he is not financially or emotionally prepared for fatherhood, any reason is viable if he deems it so... but he should be able to be heard and know that if his argument is sound he will not be forced into a horrible state of affairs forever changing his life.  An unwanted child is not ever a good thing to force when it does not have to  be forced....

When a man and woman procreate it is indeed a serious thing.  But the modern world in which we live is already grossly overpopulated and the global demand for resources including jobs and housing compounded by an exponentially expanding impoverished population has made it a luxury to afford to raise children in a proper manner.  At the height of the sexual revolution when artificial insemination has made reproductive sex obsolete, sexuality has become more of a recreational activity than a necessary ritual to preserve humanity.   Overpopulation and changing perspectives on traditional notions of  sexuality have catapulted pornography  and other sexually oriented business establishments to a multi-billion dollar industry in America.  But all this has not changed the very serious nature of procreation...when sex goes beyond being, "just sex" and a child is created the party comes to a grinding halt! Everyone is sent home, and the parents have to sit down and have a very complicated discussion...

When a woman realizes that she is pregnant the law should require her to give timely notice to the father.  This notice should be formally served within the first two to three months of conception to allow, if necessary, for the fetus to be safely aborted. 

The court should note if the woman is uncertain of the father and every male that is given notice should complete a paternity test within 30 days of notice bringing the term of pregnancy to no more than 4 months should it be terminated.  Furthermore, if a woman is uncertain as to the father the court should duly note this and give great weight to the issue of the number of men served for paternity should the father elect to reject responsibility.  If a woman is not able to identify the genetic father within a timely manner to abort the child then she must waive her right to sue him for compensation and must advise the court of her decision to either mother the child alone, accepting complete financial and legal responsibility, to abort the fetus or to enter into an adoption arrangement.  As in any court of law a woman must prove who the father is and the window in which she must to do so should be limited to not more than 6 months into the pregnancy to allow for a safe abortion if necessary. 

Men who have been erroneously charged with the payment of child support should be reimbursed by the jurisdiction that erred in their determination of paternity.  it should should be the responsibility of the mother to pay back the state through a combination of fines and community service.  A man should never be charged to pay back payment for missed child support unless he has first agreed willingly to enter into such a financial agreement and not been compelled by the court.  Especially is the father was not given timely notice of his paternity in order to reject it in lieu of abortion or adoption. 

It is a serious matter when a man identifies that he does not wish to father a child but opts that the fetus be aborted or that the child be given up for adoption.  Because the man is a 50% responsible party with the woman his decision not to father the child should be respected.  Because the child must ultimately be carried to term inside the woman's body and not the mans she must not be forced to abort or adopt the child merely because the father does not wish to be a father.  But it must be made crystal clear to her that merely by virtue of her pregnancy she will not be able to force the father into legal and financial responsibility for the child if she elects to have it without his consent to parent it.

Fatherhood is a beautiful thing and it is something many men find to be the most fulfilling dynamic of manhood.  Shaping the life of another human being from the time of their first breath to maturity is a huge and magnificent accomplishment... but it is something that needs to be handled properly and not forcefully by courts who ultimately have no human interest in the outcome of their decisions.  As a mature decision fatherhood is all about choice.  

It does not take rocket science to determine that fathers who are financially and mentally ready to take on the task of fatherhood are more likely to participate in the shaping of more productive and well rounded children.  Why are we forcing awful conditions upon the weakest and most impressionable... our children.  We do have a choice... Men have a choice...

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