As intellectuals we must sometimes take things into
consideration that are difficult to understand for no other reason than that
they represent a position that is unpopular and it is at these times we must
play the devil’s advocate. Assuming the
defense of the underdog, especially it is not the opinion we personally hold,
is one of the most critical exercises in the evolution of the art of “Free
Thinking” because it forces us to see the world from a perspective outside of our
comfort zone.
So I was thinking along these lines when challenged to
discuss my opinion on transsexuals. My
opponent was a vehement believer that homosexuality can serve to effeminize
some men to the point that they falsely believe they are women or at least a
very close facsimile. According to this
man the genetic helix known as deoxyribonucleic acid is the primary determinant
of sex coupled with the associated sex organ, (penis or vagina), and not the
cerebral cortex. This rigid, clinical
comprehension of sexuality lacks the human element known as the affective
domain. Some know-it-all’s who have
spent far too much time with their books and hypothesizing rather than getting
down to the kitchen to cook with others to see if the recipe really works or if
the dish tastes good to anyone like to cling to these kinds of facts and
figures because it makes them seem wise.
People who have been properly socialized know that facts and figures,
hypotheses and theories are no comfort when people are in pain, in love, or
when such amazing wonders occur such as a birth or a death. We are not automatons, robots, we are
sentient beings in every respect…
In this man’s eyes a normal male a male does not wake up in
the morning feeling, dressing, talking and thinking like a woman. Though he is not certain of the disconnect
between the empirical genetics and the behavioral characteristics he is nonetheless
certain that he is correct in assuming any man who does not act, feel and want
to be a man every moment of his existence is the sad victim of some aberrant
and I daresay virulent psychological dysfunction. As a gentleman and as a mature intellectual traveler
of life I respected his opinion but sought to challenge him in an intellectual
debate to consider his theory in some greater detail adding a human element to
the equation.
I challenged his theory because it was merely a theory and
not a fact in my own minds eye.
Furthermore I opined that whilst I could not conjure any scientific
explanation to erode away the anomaly represented by the dearth of factual data
explaining why a male might legitimately feel like a woman yet remain a sane
genetic male, I would play the devil’s advocate and imagine what it would be
like if I were personally faced with this sexual challenge, that is if I were
contemplating a sex change or some permutation due to an inherent feeling of
profound femininity. This was quite a challenge
for me because I love being a man in every way imaginable and cannot imagine
anything else… since a child it has been a passion to discover the meaning of
manhood and so therein I found my latch onto this mindset. So I imagined a man who’s passion to be a
woman matched my passion to be a man.
What I discovered astounded me beyond all of my imaginings
as a free-thinking gentleman. The question
was, “at what point does a man’s desire to be a woman transform him into a
woman?” So then the question was a very real and nontraditional answer. I took this question and hypothesized a
fictional male following his emotional development from childhood to manhood
and found that a male who had felt like and acted as a woman through childhood
and adolescence might be a very tenacious person, it was at best only a
conjecture, an esoteric, idealised model, but I went with it because it was my
rationale for evolving this male with feminine aspirations. What I saw was a very difficult life that
would find sanctuary within the sub-stratification of the gay community which
catered to the transgender and transsexual community. To set the stage for this males difficult
life I imagined the most narrow minded bigot you have ever known, combined it
with the most ignorant person I have ever known and multiplied it by millions
in order to get an idea of the type of continual social backlash a transsexual
or transgender person might experience.
The thought was haunting to me. I
think that for this reason even those who do not necessarily understand or
agree with transsexuals/transgendered males respect their strength,
determination and constitution for self-actualization, it is after all a very
hard life to live or so I imagine. At
the final stage, when this hand-crafted persona became a mature male getting
into his 40’s and even further in his 60’s the picture suddenly transmogrified,
what I saw was alarming, even haunting…
When I was a classroom teacher I used to always warn my students that
they should always design for the “What-If’s” of life. So there I was asking myself, what if this
male, after having lived life as a transsexual/transgendered person, a woman,
suddenly had a revelation and decided that he wanted to embrace the maleness he
had shunned all of his life? WOW! My jaw
dropped, my tongue hung out, my mind sank into an abyss of depression because
this what-if was a real deal killer.
So I had a new question, “Can a man who has lived the greater
part of his life as a woman ever hope to be able to reconnect with his manhood
again? Has he forever lost the ability
to share in and comprehend the common experiences of most men that have
cumulatively shaped their manhood as it has evolved from childhood to
maturity? Straightway I realised that
this was an unanswerable question because manhood is not quantifiable merely in
terms of shared psychical events, common traditions, there is no universality,
no recipe typifying the evolutionary stages of manhood pursuant to an ever
ticking biological hormone-clock, or is there? Darn, another difficult question
and digression that I cannot include in this discussion. Nevertheless the question remained and
remains as a haunting reminder of the mental element superseding that of the
purely genetic. The politically,
ethically and morally correct stance and the stance which I espouse is that
freedom of choice allows us to explore whatever realms we choose and as such
even though we may not agree or understand a person’s choices we must respect
and when appropriate, support them as long as they contribute to the general
good of all creation. The practical and
the real ramifications aging as a transgender/transsexual male might represent
a far more sober, darker assessment however having very little to do with the
ethical questions at all but focused more on the human and emotional ones. When a man has explored his feminine side as
much as he possibly can, assuming that he someday becomes conscious of the
possibility that he may have ignored and underdeveloped his own manhood, how
does he catch up to decades of neglect and can he ever catch up? This is a question that every man who claims
a closer connexion to his feminine side must ask himself/herself because the
potential abandonment of his manhood could potentially leave a void later in
life which cannot be crossed, navigated or resolved satisfactorily before
death. Middle aged men begin to take
into account the preparation for death even though they seldom discuss it. Maturity is nothing more than a preparation
for death, we attempt to experience and understand all that we can of life so
that when it begins to be taken from us there are fewer great truths, questions
and challenges before us, having wisely explored these realms in our younger
years. Young men should surely think
upon this, “old man’s care” as I did and properly plan for their life leaving
ample time to explore every facet of themselves… It is when we challenge ourselves to think
outside the box that we grow intellectually and humanely. The greatest challenge
in any attempt to mature is to push ones understanding into rooms we would
never have explored. When we have taught
ourselves the discipline of openness we are then able to mature and then
magically, suddenly things get clear…
Written by David Vollin